The Norwegian Fishermen’s Grannies were all adamant that there was only one way to cook Skrei; as Skreimølje, which is poached and served with liver and roe together with boiled potatoes. Meanwhile… we have done some research and here we present to you three ways of cooking the Norwegian Cod, served no less than the feast it is.
You can see all about the Granny’s and the Norwegian Cod Feast we recently attended in London. But more importantly, here are three amazing recipes to wet your appetite!
Roasted Skrei and Chorizo.
Marinade the fish fillets in lightly salted water for 15 minutes before towelling each peace dry with a kitchen towel. Fry the fillets in a pan with sunflower oil with the skin down, for three minutes or until the the skin has turned golden brown. Bake in the oven on 200 degrees with the skin up, for another 3 minutes. Serve with crispy chorizo and creamy potato mash.
Skrei with carrot pure
Set the oven to 180 degrees. Squeeze half a lemon juice over the fillets and season with salt and pepper. Leave the fillets with skin up in a roasting tin with some oil and roast in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Serve with carrot pure, broth and steamed squash.
Roasted Skrei with red wine sauce
Set the oven to 180 degrees. Salt and pepper the fillets before leaving it to rest for 10 minutes. Pan fry the fillets on the skin with some butter and oil until golden brown. Turn the skin side up and leave it in a roasting tin in the oven for another 6 minutes, using a non stick baking paper. Serve with red wine sauce, roasted mushrooms and wedge potatoes.
Smakelig måltid!
So what was Skrei again? It’s a Norwegian cod and strictly seasonal. To be classified as Skrei the fish needs to be caught between January and April, it needs to be fully grown (approx 5 years) and in excellent shape. To ensure top quality he fish is packaged within 12 hours of being caught and stored on ice at a temperature between 0° and 4° Celsius. Look for the quality mark, the SKREI® brand that should be fastened to the forward dorsal fin. The Skrei also comes in a branded Skrei box.
Skrei is available in selected stores – but why not ask your local fishmonger?
{Photo credit: Lead photo: Norsk Sjømatråd. All other: source}