You might ask, ‘Is EVE a Scandi brand as it’s featured on your all things Nordic blog?’ The answer is no. But one has to sleep!
With two teenagers in the family, one doing her A-levls and the other GCSE, how to get enough quality sleep is a constant concern.
Proper sleep for teenagers is extremely important for proper growth and to stay healthy. According to NHS advice, a minimum of 8 to 9 hours’ good sleep on school nights is recommended for teens.
In addition to getting plenty of exercise and fresh air, reducing screen time and to incorporate a good bedtime routine, it is also important to sleep friendly bedroom.
As we already have (and love) the EVE mattress, we thought we would give the EVE memory foam pillow a try and share our experience with you!
The brand:
UK based Eve’s started up in 2014 with a business model focusing on direct online sales, strong customer service and savvy social media marketing. Its online platform allows the company to offer its mattresses and other sleep related products at affordable prices.
The shopping experience:
The website is as user-friendly as can be: easy and fun to navigate and explore, lots of images and less boring copy, with a feel of community, displaying reviews highly visible, but perhaps more importantly: your choice of sleep aid only a few taps away.
The first impression:
The EVE pillow arrived as promised, delivered to our door. The box in signature colours, bright yellow and white contained what we waited for.
The pillow was large and firm in a white fabric with some tiny air holes, with the EVE signature yellow piping on the edges.
The facts
Country of origin: designed in London, manufactured in the EU.
Dimension: 42x66cm / 1.7kg.
Cover: 100% polyester breathable and removable cover size 50×70 or 50×75.
Pillow: 100% soft and supportive PU foam OEKO-TEX® Class 1 safety label.
Price: £59 includes free UK delivery, and with a 30 night return policy.
The conclusion:
The short version: Love it! We will not be returning these.
The slightly longer version: The EVE pillow seemed a lot firmer than the pillows we are used to, which made us a bit unsure of how comfortable it would be. But already after one sleep it became clear that this was the pillow for us. It’s firm, yet has a softness to it which makes it very supportive and comfortable.
Only, because of its size, our normal covers didn’t really fit the pillow. Luckily though, EVE sells reasonable bedding, which we quickly ordered.
We are now so happy with both mattress, pillow and bedding. Considering not only buying more bedding but also looking at duvets.
Have you tried EVE? Let me know below!
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