Cool rides for the School Run

Getting to and from School isn't alway being on the run in a hurry. It can be a rather fun event and precious moment as well. We love these Danish bikes with room for up to 4 children. A mum at school pedals all the hills up to our school on one of these. That's a gym bill to deduct from the family budget just there! But there's more cool rides worth checking out! We've previously gushed about...

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On the Schoolrun in Dickensian London – Walk to School

Little B is going to Secondary in September and it's suddenly daunted on me that I can not walk her to school for the entire future. At some point she will have to start walking on her own and independence doesn't come overnight. If you are a regular reader of Little Scandinavian you might remember that we moved last summer. Our previous schoolrun in London was through enchanted woodland, passed...

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Walking to school

I feel so privileged, as I can walk through woodlands with my two daughters to School every morning, in the middle of London. And, today, sun rays met with the wet grass, the smell of green forest and the cool air surrounded us whilst the birds was singing in the trees whilst a duck family floated sleepy over the pond. And then, after having passed one road, the adventure trail ends by the sound...

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