Celebrities like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Pixie Geldof have already discovered the playful designer wear by Fam Irvoll. Fam Irvoll has previously collaborated with the popular tween brand Wow and Me. Oslo Fashion week is on (8-14.Aug) and the Norwegian designer used the opportunity to launch her coming collections for Spring Summer 2012 with a spectacular show, for both her adult and children...
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Norwegian high street tween brand Wow and me
Norwegian high streets have a new fashion brand to be proud of, WOW AND ME, that's instantly has become all tweens favourite. It's affordable, the style is funky and functional for the older children that want to dress trendy without looking like adults. Proper Scandinavian tween fashion! Their latest collection for Christmas 2010, designed by the Norwegian fashion designer Fam Irvoll was...
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