Haven’t really got into the swing of things when it comes to Pinterest? As with all Social Media, it’s not only about how to use it, but also how to enjoy it. In comparison I’ve been on Twitter for more than 4 years now, but it took a while before I enjoyed using it. It’s all about finding out How to…
I signed up, then didn’t quite get it and left it with the impression it was not worth spending time on. Then I gave it a second chance and this time around, I discovered what to do; Follow the right people. And by “the right people” I mean people who share the same interests as you, people who is active, that communicates two ways and that inspires you.
On Pinterest you can follow and communicate in an inspiring and wonderful pinboard world. If you see something online that you want to keep, share or use later -with Pinterest you can just pin it to your online pinboard. Pin from Pinterest or from the web. As a courtesy it’s good to keep photo source in the description field. Other than that there’s few no’s and don’t on Pinterest. Click the heart button when you like, comment if you feel like it and pin it to your board if you want to keep it too.
It’s with Pinterest as it is with parties, it’s no fun on your own. Interesting pinners we like to follow include CHRISTINArohde She shares an eclectic selection of a relaxed and cool family lifestyle.
Adorable and heartwarming – Follow Kids with animals
For extraordinary children’s shoes and boots – follow Kids shoes
Looking for new ideas to secure some truly cool family photos – Follow Famous Kids
Endless source of creative interior inspiration – Follow Kids Rooms
If Copenhagen could be your destination – Follow Copenhagen is for Kids and families
And then last but not least – Follow mum needs rest
And if you fancy checking out our pinboard follow Little Scandinavian on Pinterest
New to Pinterest? Check out How to use Pinterest -Real simple here.
Hi dear Ewa 🙂 here in Portugal we’ve had mostly sunny days. a litlte bit of rain too but not too much. I live up North, the weather is cooler, although we also had pretty hot days. so I guess it has been a messy Summer. every time I go out to photograph I get sunburned but I don’t find the sun that hot around here. did you see that you can also tweet about ‘Earth Wonders’? I’ll feature a blog that tweet about their entry on #earthwonderschallenge (and no one did yet 😉 have a great weekend. hope it’s sunny. xoxo