Finally, sunshine and warmer temperatures across the UK. Hope you are outside, enjoying the gorgeous weather!
© Photographer Monika Elena
This week we read several articles about children and food. Thought to be extinct ‘Seafarers’ disease’ on rise among children due to lack of vitamin C in diet. There was also this article in the Guardian, about children and fuzzy eating we found very interesting; When did kids become gourmets? I really enjoyed that article, and think the author is highlighting some truly important issues in our society. We need to make sure our children get a healthy and balanced diet with their daily dose of fruit and vegetables as a minimum.
Do you remember we talked about Why Finnish babies sleeps in cardboard boxes? Well, now Finland have decided to send the Duchess of Cambridge a traditional baby kit complete with a cardboard cot too. Do you think the royal baby will be sleeping in a box?
Blog love this week includes the Swedish blog Mokkasin. There’s a true relaxed Scandinavian feel on the blog, featuring a stylish Nordic family life. The blogger is also an amazing photographer. All very inspiring.
This weekend sees the kids trade show, Playtime Paris in full swing too. We recommend to pop by our friend, Paul et Paula to see the latest updates and kids fashion news from the Paris event.
Wishing you a beautiful weekend, and hope to see you here on the blog soon again. Kisses, Bianca x
nice blog
enjoy the summer time