Almost all creativity involves purposeful play – get kids active!

Learning how to learn through play is a very individual experience that supports the development of future learning behaviours. When a child is given the time, space, and materials to explore s/he learns how to focus, be intentional, meet self-selected goals, pursue deeper understanding and so so much more. Sounds good? Well, read on! And by playing, kids get active and healthy! Did you know...

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Why children stop, the importance of and how to encourage more play

Did you know children laugh on average 400 times a day whilst adults 25 times? Why do we stop laughing? And why do we stop playing? According to it's The End of play. The New York Times ran a rather alarming article focusing on the lost culture of childhood. Nursery rhymes and traditional outdoor play has been replaced by TV, video games and the internet, with children age 8 to 18...

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