We are overjoyed by the news of the birth of the British Princess! The celebration of the new baby is visible where ever you go in London, from people waving the British flags, flowers and gun salutes.
The new Princess of Cambridge was born less than three hours after the Duchess of Cambridge was admitted to hospital, at the Lindo Wing, St. Mary’s Hospital in London on Saturday 2nd of May 2015 at 8.34am, weighing a healthy 3.7kg. Same day the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge introduced their daughter to the British people outside the hospital.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge introduce their daughter to the British people on 2 May 2015 ©Press Association
Today, on the 4th the Princess name was announced; Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. The new royal baby will be known as Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge or just Princess Charlotte.
Charlotte is originally a French name and feminine diminutive of Charles. We are particular happy that Diana was included, in memory of the Princess of Wales.
Diana by Mario Testino
We hope the young Royal Family are enjoying the those lovely first moments with a new baby daughter. And we can’t wait to see more of her!