Going Danish is Mariann Doherty, a freelance illustrator who lives and works in Denmark. Her whimsical illustrations are the perfect way to add a little humour to your home. I quite like the “Bitter Lemon” It’s sort of me, on a Monday, before I’ve had the first (of many) cup of coffee. Then after my coffee(s) there’s an transformation, into the content and happy looking lemon. Did you know this random fact, that most people do not smile on Monday until 11.16 am.*?
This is a print that would probably, if placed on my kitchen wall, brighten up the Monday a tad faster. As you can’t help smiling when looking at the quirky, naive and imaginative illustrations by this talented Danish illustrator.
© Going Danish
The illustrations are in A3 size, and printed on 250g textured fine art paper that enables brilliant colors and a lively expression. See more illustrations and art posters at goingdanish.dk
Do you have art on your wall that makes you crack a smile?
*A study, by Marmite in England, showed the Southeast was the happiest region, with people cracking the first smile at 11.06 a.m. The East Midlands are the glummest, taking until 11.33 a.m. to look on the bright side.
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It is really sweet isn’t it!? I smiled when listening to Capital radio this morning. x
I smiled before 11.16 – when I looked at this print 🙂