At our family home in the Norwegian couyntryside there’s lots of redcurrants, ready to be picked and preserved just now. We’ve made some delicious Redcurrant squash, easy recipe to be shared with you!
2 litres redcurrants
800 ml water
600 ml Granulated sugar
1 tbl vanilla sugar (optional)
Rinse the redcurrants in water, place in a stainless steel saucepan and add the water. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
The ScandinavianDad has inherited a special squash boiler pan from his mum, a common thing to have in a Norwegian kitchen. But if you don’t happen to have a Norwegian mum -no worries. Method as described here works as well.
Mash the redcurrants against the side of the pan. Pour the pulp and liquid into a cheesecloth and leave to strain for 30 minutes.
Return the liquid to the pan. Add the sugar and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and carefully skim off the scum.
Dissolve the vanilla sugar in a little of the liquid, and stir back into the pan.
Pour the redcurrant squash into warm, sterilised bottles and seal. We use old beer bottles, decorative and makes excellent and very personal gifts. Store in a cool place. And enjoy the taste of summer in the cooler months of the year!