The bright green first-aid kit compromises of 1 burn dressing, 1 wound compress, 3 sterile wound dressings, 2 elastic bandages, 1 disposal gloves, 1 adhesive tape, 1 respiratory sheet, 13 plasters, 1 scissor, 5 wash swabs, 3 plaster stripes, 4 adhesive plasters. Available at £12.99 -We think a kit like this is perfect both at home but also when you travel by car with children.
The components of a first aid kit are largely a matter of personal choice but the kit should contain items sufficient for the size of the party and appropriate to the activity. We would have included strip thermometer, antiseptic solution and a first aid booklet.
Ikea has Safety department with lots of useful safety products for both the home and travel, worth checking out.