Sandkaker must be one of the easiest of all Christmas cookies, with only 4 ingredients and hardly any preparation before you start baking. Children can easily take part in the baking; Easy to mix everything together, no dangerous heating or long wait.
© Little Scandinavian Sandkaker Christmas 2010
The only ingredient that can take a while to prepare are the almonds, since you first have to remove the shell by blanching them, and then ground it all. Alternatively you can buy them pre blanched and pre-ground if you don’t have a food grinder capable of grinding almonds.
You blanch the almonds by soaking them in boiled hot water, and leaving them for about 15 min. Remove the almonds from the water, and when you are able to touch the hot almonds you squeeze the nut out of it’s shell. When done, dry the almonds in the oven on low temperature till they have dried out, and you are ready to start grinding.
The girls love making these cookies as they are so easy and quick to make, but most of all they enjoy popping the almonds out of their shell, it can be a bit tedious but it pays off at the end with the difference in taste.
Cooking time: 30min – 2hours (if you blanch and grind the almonds yourself)
Preparation time: 30 min
250 g sugar
250 g unsalted butter, leave outside of fridge to soften
250 g almonds, ground
250 g white flour
- Start by mixing the sugar and butter
- Mix in the flour and almonds, adding small portions at the time makes it easier to mix.
- You are ready to fill the tins, in Scandinavia you can buy them in sets of 25/30 but I haven’t seen any in UK, but I found these which are similar: tins
- Fill the tins with as little dough as possible, otherwise you will not get thin and crisp cookies…
- When you have filled up a tray of tins, bake in oven for 10-12 minutes at 180-190˚C till golden
- Leave tins to rest on a tray, separate the cakes from the tins when they have cooled down.
Serves:Family and Friends!