Memini is 10 years and it all started with the designer Kristine Vikse’s search for beautiful, timeless quality clothing for her own children. A decade later and Kristine is now running the most successful children’s wear brand out of Norway.
“10 years ago I had a dream of making beautiful clothes for my little boys.” says Kristine before she continues; “I was tired of roaming the shops for timeless quality garments, only to find superhero prints and newborn collections in polyester. For years the solution was spending hours behind my sewing machine or with a bunch of beautiful yarns in merino and alpaca wool in my lap, creating those little garments I could not find elsewhere. The clothing did soon get attention from others and I started to produce a small collection for family and friends for a years time, before making the leap and founding the brand Memini”
The designer has also shared her journey in photos on her website
We discovered the brand shortly after it’s launch and with two girls in the house I’ve been an avid fan of the classic design and comfortable styles since the brands early days.
Here we are sharing Memini’s new collection for Spring Summer 2016; fine knits, beautiful dresses and nostalgic bloomers and shorts. The colour palette is kept in pastels and hues of whites in a timeless design. And what a beautiful campaign, clearly inspired by Alice in Wonderland and the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. A perfect theme for a clothing brand that would like children to be children, to play and develop through the freedom of a happy and carefree childhood.
Like the clothing? The collection caters for baby age 0 to 3 years and boys and girls age 3 to 10 years old. See the rest of this beautiful campaign for Spring Summer 2016 and find out more about the brand online at
Gratulerer med 10 fantastiske år, Kristine! Og til lykke med fortsettelsen! x