What will you be doing with the kids this half term? Here’s a few May half-term holiday events and activities in London – our top 5 fun ideas on what you can do together with your child this holiday!
So you have made arrangements for everything from visiting the dentist to have new school shoes fitted. Clearly not the most exciting of plans. So in desperation you are considering your familiar trial of educational museums and perhaps throw in a playdate and a trip to see what-ever-pg-rated-is-on-at the cinema?
To truly make this half term fun filled and memorable, we have a few ideas up our sleeve, that hopefully will inspire. Top 5 fun ideas for kids activities this half term!
Mad Hatter’s Hat Making at Museum of Childhood
Join in the adventure and celebrate the 150th anniversary of the publication of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Enter Alice’s weird and wonderful world with great activities, making, story-telling and dressing up inspired by this classic children’s book. Suitable for 5 to 12 year olds. There are also Playing Card Print Workshop (5-12) and Alice in Toyland Storytelling sessions (all ages)
When? Monday 25 – Friday 29 May at 10.30, 11.45, 14.00, 15.15
Where? V&A Museum of Childhood, Cambridge Heath Road, London E2 9PA
Admission? £5, sign up on the day.
More info? Visit www.vam.ac.uk
Bake mini bread – buns and bread rolls
Baking is for the whole family – and children love to bake these healthy bread rolls!
Get the kids involved in baking too! From washing hands, putting on an apron and getting stuck in with kneading to the excitement of seeing the dough rise. Not to mention the heavenly smell of freshly baked rolls in the house… What started as a party of flour around your kitchen table will now be a feast – perfect for the picnic basket!
When? This half term!
Where? In your kitchen.
Admission? Free. Only expense; flour. Preferably organic.
More info? Norwegian easy recipe, here. Sourdough bread roll recipe here.
Make a Flower Crown
As a first sign of Summer, tie a flower headband that your child would love to wear.
It’s best using real, fresh flowers. Best option is to combine it with a walk. Bring a basket and gather as many wild flowers and a bit of green. Stems should be as long as possible. Alternatively, flowers from your garden would be nice too. But the softer the stem the easier to tie. DIY flower crown is a lovely thing to do as a family. Tip: Sprinkle the crown with water to keep it fresh.
When? This half term!
Where? All of London’s parks, but we recommend Hampstead Heath for a great selection of wild flowers.
Admission? Free.
More info? Photo tutorial, make your own here or this one, using a chord to tie the flowers together.
Have a Yard and Garage Sale for Kids Toys and Clothes
Have a Spring clean this half term – and fun doing it!
Help them clear out their bedroom and play room with outgrown and unused toys and clothing. Set up a table and help do the posters. To increase sales (and ad to the fun) consider having a combined lemonade and used toy stall. Decide in advance if the money should go to the piggy bank or to a chosen charity, such as Kids Company.
When? This half term, preparation the day before, set out early morning.
Where? In your yard.
Admission? Free.
More info? Homemade lemonade recipe.
The Factory of Images Whitechapel Gallery
Get arty and crafty at this artist-led afternoon of family-friendly workshops and activities this half term.
Inspired by the Whitchapel Gallery’s current exhibition, Production Line of Happiness your little one are invited join artist Albert Potrony’s factory-like assembly line to make and transform images. See your pictures projected through a live feed, create a book and experiment with light and shadow using coloured slides and light boxes. Or use the activity trail to explore the exhibition itself.
When? Saturday 30 May, 12–4pm
Where? NCP Whitechapel High Street, Spreadeagle Yard, E1 7PJ London
Admission? Free, but booking in advance is recommended.
More info? Visit www.whitechapelgallery.org
Happy May Half Term! x