When there was no cool and comfortable denim jeans for children, Hanna Clavegård decided to design them herself. I Dig Denim was founded and we featured the Swedish brand first time back in 2010 Denim for small people with big personalities Today the brand caters for children from 0 to 12 years and includes not only a variety of cool denim styles but also some soft cotton tees and wool knitwear.
Hanna Clavegård is really the sweetest designer and mum of two. She’s dedicated and hardworking with a genuine passion for denim and children’s clothing. The Little Scandinavian congratulate -well deserved with the Swedish award “Årets Mamma”. You truly are the Children’s Designer and Mum of the Year 2013!
Below is a few pieces from the most recent collection, I Dig Denim AW13 idigdenim.com