Use these guidelines when purchasing clothes for babies to save money, time and to avoid being left with expensive garments your little one that’s never been used. All it takes is a little bit of planning…
© Little Scandinavian. Great quality and design, children’s clothes by Danish Poppy Rose.
1. Size up
Choose one size ahead of your baby’s actual age, at least, as babies grow quickly. Good design often have elastic waist and ancles for comfort but this also allow growth.
2. Shop in the Sale
There’s several sales a year in addition to special promotions etc, tempting you with up to 75% off. There’s the Mid Season sales and the end of Season sale. Consider your child’s age and the number one “size up” rule when buying clothes for coming seasons. It’s easy to calculate what size your child will be wearing next summer. As with everything, a little bit of planning will save you money.
3. Do not overbuy
When in a children’s shop or browsing online it’s easy to be carried away. Before you head out (or online) make a list of what your child would need, to achieve a functional and complete wardrobe.
4. Buy quality not quantity
It doesn’t have to cost a fortune, but do look out for good quality. Check the labels for pure materials, inspect the finish of the garment (no loose treads etc) and also important the washing instructions. Listen to friends experiences and advice. Quality garments can last not only one child but also be handed down. And that will save you a lot of money.
5. Buy vintage
There’s several charity and vintage shops around selling second hand children’s clothes. If you have one nearby, browse through it on a regular basis and you are sure to find her favourite summer dress and his comfy dungaree, for a unbelievable price.
6. Clear out and Sell secondhand
Make sure that all clothes that are damaged gets repaired and that what’s outgrown gets out of the wardrobe. A clear-out should be a regular activity in any family home. When there’s no one to hand it down to, gather a few outgrown items, it’s fast and easy to upload it to Ebay for sale, via your computer or with your smart phone. Within a week, the garments will have new owners, and you will have more money to spend on clothes for your growing child.
7. Put baby clothes on the wish list
Presents doesn’t have to mean toys. When friends and family ask for advice on what to buy for the little one, name a few shops/brands that you like as well as the size of the child. With a baby in the house time is limited. So it’s a real treat when friends and family contribute to the babys wardrobe. (If it’s not in the right size or after your taste you can always exchange it).
© Little Scandinavian. Exceptional quality, pure cotton children’s clothes by Danish Esencia.
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