How to survive the run up to Christmas Step by Step


19. Trip to the post office, make sure all cards are written and presents wrapped. Treat yourself to a hot chocolate on a nearby cafe. If you haven’t already -bake the gingerbread house!

20. Grocery shopping for Christmas. The trick is to do a list, and follow it. That way you’ll shop what you need, nothing less or more. Remember plenty of clementines and mixed nuts. Finished with the shopping there’s time to decorate the gingerbread house. Also, make some “Brente Mandler”, almonds with sugarcoating.

21. Make sure your home is clean and tidy before the big day. Everyone in the family can contribute on the Big Tidy up! Add some fresh pine branches to add to the feel of Christmas. Reward yourselves, without messing up the tidy home by a visit to a local family pub for a hearty lunch. And why not take the children out for a walk afterwards, to burn some excess energy and get some fresh air.

22. Bake Christmas cookies and make little treats of nougat and marzipan together with family and friends. Make sure to have plenty of mulled wine, both a redwine version and blackcurrant for the children, simmering on the stove. Also plan what everyone is wearing for Christmas, that it fits, is washed and ironed etc. Hang aside, ready to “dress without stress” on Christmas eve.

23. Last day to decorate the Christmas tree and your home. Enjoy a light Christmas supper with the family. How about some Scandinavian Santa’s Porridge with sugar, cinnamon and butter on top. Hide a peeled almond in the porridge. The one that finds the almond will win the Marzipan pig!

24. Merry Christmas!


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2 thoughts on “How to survive the run up to Christmas Step by Step

  1. A helpful list and lovely festive pictures. My daughter has a pair of red and white stripy fluffy socks like the picture – we bought them in the USA and they are impregnated with shea butter. The softest, cosiest socks ever!

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