So, a I’m leaving behind a few days with very little Internet access thanks to my, no name mentioned, Internet provider. I’m currently in the car on my way to weekend in Scotland. Initially planned as a family trip, but since the grandparents insisted we’ve left the girls in London with them. Now very much looking forward to a romantic dinner for two at the Pierhouse Hotel in Port Appin. Then tomorrow, after a quiet and relaxed morning, and a lovely breakfast at the hotel followed by a stroll on the beach, we’ll be heading to Edinburgh to see friends and to attend a wedding.
Meanwhile, it’s lovely outside! Shame to be spending a day like this in the car. But on the upside I get to spend time with the ScandinavianDad. And my mum, that are currently on a cruise ship in the Norwegian fjords, is sending me all these gorgeous photos from her holiday. So on that note, I wish you a lovely sunny Friday!
Have a lovely getaway! You’re coming to Scotland on a glorious weekend–at least that’s the forecast!!!