Lanugo fur gilet for girls in style

This seasons must have item; fur gilet, perfect when worn over any outfit.

Danish company Lanugo was founded in 2006 by Annette Elise Rye. Lanugo’s collection includes beautiful fur waistcoats and jackets for women and children. The newly launched interior design collection is also in fur as softness and beauty of the material is just as evident in the body as the home interior.

The style is modern, the design is feminine with an edge. Lanugo’s uncompromising attitude towards quality and exquisite design makes the styles stay in fashion for longer and the fur only becomes more beautiful with time.
Only more importantly Lanugo has great focus on ethics and animal welfare with all skins and furs used comes from animals that are not put down because of their beautiful fur.

Lanugo are currently working on launching their web shop.

Meanwhile, to see more, visit

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