Saturday Sweets

In Norway “Saturday Sweets” are still the normal practice and attitude towards sweets when raising children. It makes it easy to make sure that your everyday isn’t filled with sweets and unhealthy foods since there is a special day for it.

In our home the girls (and the Scandinavian Dad!) usually get a bowl each with a mix of their favourite sweets. This for not to put a stress on the ones who don’t want to eat as fast (as dad).

We would try to choose chocolate before more artificial alternatives. But of course a compromise so the treat will not be too boring.
The girls do not eat sweets before or after school and therefor this is something they look forward to.

Beatrice and I visited a lovely old sweet store in Covent Garden this week, and purchased a bag of lots of naughty sweets for each “Good girl” as it said on the label. It’s waiting in the kitchen, and the girls are so excited and can hardly wait.

Photo: Hope and Greenwood

3 thoughts on “Saturday Sweets

  1. London is such a happening city and is so stnuilatmig! Makes me want to hop on a plane for a visit across the pond. Love the Coke bottle, I bet it could even make Pepsi drinkers think twice about switching over:)

  2. I LOVE Little Scandinavian, I LOVE Molo and now I LOVE Sparkle & Spin!

    I especially love size 98 coats… 😉

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