Angulus Starters for those first steps

Children usually starts walking sometime between seven months and two years of age. When babies start standing and walking on their own they are ready for their first walking shoes. Things are a bit wobbly to start with, but improvements will come soon enough.There are some activities to help your baby and toddler develop walking skills like crawling together, walking on uneven surfaces like sand and climbing which is great for coordination, independence and muscle development. Babies feet don’t have bones, just soft cartilage. Well fitted soft and flexible shoes offering lots of support are therefor recommended at this delicate stage. Choose shoes designed to match the shape of a child’s foot, with a wide front and narrow heel that allow growing room around the toes. And by choosing leather shoes your babies tiny feet will have increased comfort, allowing perspiration to escape through the surface of the shoe. And what we think is very important; Don’t hand shoes down from one child to another, because two pairs of feet are never the same shape! For us as parents it can be an emotional moment seeing your child in their first pair of walking shoes, but make sure they combine style, quality and fit. Never compromise on fit, because a toddler’s nerve endings are not developed yet so they may not notice a painful constriction, and may not be able to complain even if they do. Children’s feet can grow really quickly so make sure to check their feet and size regularly.
Danish Angulus has launched Angulus Starter, with a perfect fit for babies. Angulus was founded in 1904 and their shoes are therefor not only made with love an care but also more than 100 years of experience. Angulus Starters are flexible and will support your child’s feet and making those first step a moment of true joy and happiness. Available in size 18 – 23 in colours like camel, off white, red, pale pink, chocolate, black and silver.

Photo: Angulus

One thought on “Angulus Starters for those first steps

  1. Heisann Bianca:)
    Takk for at du la igjen en kommentar hos meg…..og guuuuud så misunnelig jeg ble da jeg leste du skal på Norefjell! Ser bare så vidunderlig godt ut å være der…og siden du reiser dit for andre gang regner jeg med at det ikke er uten grunn akkurat 😉
    Du må storkose deg skikkelig,og få masse energi og input slik du kan fortsette med den flotte bloggen din om barneklær etc,som jeg titter innom daglig….er vee-ee-eeldig svak for barneklær etc…gøyeste som finnes å kjøpe til barna,ikke sant:))))

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