Born in 2005 and known from a Norwegian TV show “the Creator” in February 2009, Pram Pack has experienced a huge success within Scandinavia, and are now ready to fly in to Europe.
PramPack is a padded bag for prams and pushchairs that provides optimal protection during transportation. PramPack gives travelling parents the possibility to experience the world without having to worry about that the pram would arrive at the airport in one piece -or ten!
PramPack robust and rib reinforced wheeled bag for the protection of prams during air transport. PramPack comes in one size and fits all, from small three wheeler to large duos.
Both Norwegian and Scandinavian Airlines are recognizing PramPack as a hard suitcase. Norwegian would even refund any possibly damage on the pram if the pram is wrapped in a PramPack.
One happy PramPack user says
Our Simo Kombi pram is larger than most prams around, but fits fine within PramPack. On our last holiday, my wife had to bring all our luggage with her, as well as our two-year-old, as I met them halfway due to a business trip. That would have been much more of a hassle for her if we hadn’t had PramPack. It makes travelling more compact.
PramPack is currently only for sale in Scandinavia. However, you are more than welcome to send an email to PramPack at, and they will see what they can do. Retail price is approximately £150.
The Prampack has been a Godsend!! Having grandparents in both UK and northwest of Norway needless to say we have travelled alot with our little one since he was born in May 09. The prampack has been in Spain, Uk several times and Ålesund several times. It has enabled us to bring ALOT of luggage we normally would have had to pay for, like blankets, toys etc. It is not recommended to fill the prampack with other things, but it’s hard to resist. 😉 Most of the journeys have gone really well. Once we travelled through Frankfurt a small piece broke on the buggy though, luckily not a crucial part. But I must say, They handle luggage very roughly in Frankfurt, I have travelled through there before, so it wasnt down to the prampack…
Another time one of the large clips of the prampack broke. But that can happen.
All in all the Prampack has been brilliant for us and I strongly recommend it!! 🙂 I thought it was expensive at first but because we were going to travel all the time it was worth every penny. 🙂
we just purchased a prampack two days ago at our local baby stuff dealer. We’ll test it next tuesday on our flight to the Canarian Islands. As our new pram was already expensive, I think it was usefull to buy the prampack (eventhough it is expensive, too) to guard the pram on the tracks.
I travelled alone by plane with my little baby girl (6 months then) 2 months ago, and I had really considered Prampack before we went, but thought it was too expensive and decided not to buy it. A week before we went a friend/neighbour said that they had Prampack and was really content with it, so they said we could borrow it to try it out! I was thrilled, because when we came to Gatwick Airport after our stay in London, they didn’t even have a plastic bag we could put our prams in!!! So if I hadn’t had prampack I would’ve have to but my pram unsecured on the track:S So the first thing I did when I got home was to thank my neighbour and then go and buy Prampack:) So I’m really looking forward to travelling alone again with my daughter this weekend to see my parents, cause I have Prampack:D
My friend, who travelled from another city in Norway to meet me at Gatwick, was really disappointet since she didn’t have prampack, so I think she went straight to buy prampack after that experience as well!
My days of travelling with a pushchair are nearly over, but I certainly wish that I has one of these on long journeys with little people!
Thank you Bianca for this wonderful blog post. Hopefully it won’t take long before we are able to provide PramPacks for travelling parents in the UK as well. As far as we have understood, damaged prams and pushchairs due to air travel, is as large a problem in the UK as it is in Scandinavia. And as Bianca says, don’t hesitate to contact us at We are more than happy to answer any questions you might have about our product!